
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2013

The mythology of Eris / Mitología de Eris

Picture by/Imagen de Christina Balit Eris was the goddess or of strife, discord, contention and rivalry. She was often represented specifically as the demon of the strife of war, who haunted the battlefield and delighted in human bloodshed. She was the sister of Ares and usually attended wars with him. Eris' Roman counterpart was Discordia. Because of Eris' disagreeable and trouble-maker nature she was the only goddess not to be invited to the wedding of Peleus and Thetis. Despite of that, she turned up anyway, and when she was refused admittance, she, in a rage, threw a golden apple amongst the goddesses inscribed "To the fairest." Three goddesses laid claim it, and in their rivalry brought about the events which led to the Trojan War. _____________________ Eris era la diosa  de la lucha, la discordia, la contención y la rivalidad. Se la representada a menudo específicamente como un demonio de la lucha y de la guerra, que hechizaba a los guerreros en el c

The mythology of the Moon / Mitología de la Luna

Picture by/Imagen de Christina Balit In ancient Roman religion and myth, Luna is the divine embodiment of the Moon. She is often presented as the female complement of the Sun (Sol) conceived of as a god. Luna is also sometimes represented as an aspect of the Roman triple goddess (diva triformis), along with Proserpina and Hecate. Luna is not always a distinct goddess, but sometimes rather an epithet that specializes a goddess, since Diana and Hecate are  also identified as moon goddesses. Luna's Greek counterpart was Selene, and Diana's was Artemisa. The celestial character of Diana is reflected in her connection with moonlight, inaccessibility and her preference for dwelling on high mountains and in sacred woods. Diana therefore reflects the heavenly world in its sovereignty and supremacy but at the same time, she is seen as active in ensuring the succession of kings and in the preservation of humankind through the protection of childbirth. As a goddess of hunting, Di

The mythology of the Sun / La mitología del Sol

Picture by/Imagen de Christina Balit Sol was the solar deity in Ancient Roman religion. It has long been thought that Rome actually had three different, consecutive sun gods: Sol Indiges, Sol Invictus and Apollo. Apollo is one of the most important and complex of the Olympian deities in classical Greek and Roman religion and Greek and Roman mythology. The ideal of the athletic youth is represented by Apollo. He was variously recognized not only as the god of light and the sun, but also the god of truth, prophecy, healing, plague, knowledge, medicine, music or poetry. In Roman mythology ha had a twin sister Diana (Luna) the goddess of the moon. Helios was another personification of the Sun in Greek mythology, brother of the goddess Selene. However, both gods (Helios and Apollo) co-existed as they were viewed as two distinct gods belonging to two generations; Helios was a Titan, whilst Apollo was an Olympian. Apollo, as god of music, fell in love with the lyre and he is usually r

The mythology of the Earth / Mitología de la Tierra

Picture by/Imagen de Christina Balit In ancient Roman religion and myth Terra Mater ("Mother Earth") was the goddess of the earth, one of the the twenty principal gods of Rome, and one of the twelve agricultural deities. She is regularly associated with Ceres in rituals pertaining to the earth and agricultural fertility. Her attributes were the cornucopia, bunches of flowers or fruit. She was typically depicted reclining. Her Greek counterpart was Gaia, the great mother of all: the primal Greek Mother Goddess; creator and giver of birth to the Earth and all the Universe; the heavenly gods, the Titans and the Giants. ___________________ En la antigua religión y mitología romana Terra Mater ("Madre Tierra") era la diosa de la tierra, uno de los veinte principales dioses de la antigua Roma y una de los doce deidades agrícolas. Se la asociaba regularmente con Ceres en ritos relacionados con la tierra y la fertilidad agrícola.Sus atributos son el cuerno de l